GWAS Champions
GWAS represents archers from the whole South West Region of Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire, Dorset and Wiltshire.
Every year, our region holds an exciting indoor competition to showcase the talents of the best archers around. I’m thrilled to report that our archers had a great showing this year, with some impressive successes to their names. It’s always inspiring to see such skilled athletes in action, and I can’t wait to see what they’ll achieve in the future!
Indoor Recurve Team Champions.
Mike Cooper, Dean Howell, Kevin King and Steve Robertson.

Ladies Indoor Barebow Champion
Charlotte Bailey keeps achieving fantastic results and beating all the competition with another stunning result.
The event had several other Bowmen of Danesfield Archers participating and although the major successes were highlighted, it is important to acknowledge and congratulate all who took part.
Well done to everyone involved!