About the Bowmen of Danesfield Somerset Archery Club
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Archery Should Always Feel Safe and Fun

At Bowmen of Danesfield, we believe archery is more than just a sport—it’s a place where you can learn new skills, build confidence, and have a great time with friends.

We want every archer to feel welcome, safe, and supported. That means we don’t tolerate bullying, exclusion, or behavior that makes anyone uncomfortable. If something doesn’t feel right, know that you can always talk to someone—we’re here to listen.

Our safeguarding policy follows those set by Archery GB, developed with the NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport Unit. These guidelines help us make sure everyone, especially young archers, is looked after properly.

Together, we can keep archery a sport where everyone feels encouraged and respected.

Happy shooting, and stay safe!


Asking for Help

If something bothers you or you feel upset or hurt by the way someone is treating you, don’t keep it to yourself!

Remember, you’re not alone, and plenty of people are ready to listen and help.

At the Bowmen of Danesfield, you can always start by talking to our Safeguarding Officer, Sarah-Louise Darwin. She’s here to lend an ear and help make things right. If you prefer, you can email Sarah-Louise at safeguarding@bowmenofdanesfield.co.uk

If you need someone to talk to outside of our club, you can reach out to Childline, a fantastic service that can help you online or by phone. You can call them for free at 0800 1111 or visit their website at childline.org.uk for helpful information.

 You probably have family or friends, to confide in and always remember that asking for help is a brave and important step. You deserve to feel safe and supported, so don’t hesitate to reach out!

We’re all in this together!

Safeguarding Young archer with three golds

Report a Concern Anonymously

Submitting this form, will send a message directly to Sarah, our Safeguarding officer.

The form can be anonymous.  However, if you send it without your contact details, we won’t be able to contact you to let you know what we have done or ask for more information if we need it.

Please outline any safeguarding or discrimination concerns you may have.
If you wish to remain anonymous do not complete the details below but we may not be able to follow up your concern without further details.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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