The Fun Shoot and BBQ 2021
Bowmen of Danesfield

Fun Archer and a Sunny BBQ
At the beginning of the day the weather was looking very dull and then it was as if the archery gods were looking down on us, by sending us one of the Sunniest days of the year.
Several fun archery games were set up for our archers and their, friends and family, having a go. A Pop-n-Jay of ducks proved interesting and the mother duck with her offspring provided several comments.
The animals’ setup in random positions were a challenge however the snake at the greatest distance did actually take several hits.
A spinning floating cube looked like a big challenge but several archers achieved some good hits.
The Darts target was harder than it looked and will need some practice for a future event.
Finally Balloons and as usual they proved very popular with many many hits, from both the beginners and our established archers.
It was nice to see several of our past members who came along, it is always nice to welcome some of our old friends.
Doug our founder came along and helped coach some of the Have-a-Go archers. You could see he really enjoyed getting back into the coaching and hopefully he will come along during some club sessions to help our archers progress.
The Bangers and Burgers went down a treat followed by some delicious cake from our wonderful bakers.
Photos courtesy of Ian Bailey, Jacquie Green and Courtenay Welsh